The key measure of efficiency of any local government body lies in its ability of “getting things done” – whether through the execution of public works projects or tending to the day-to-day affairs of citizens. Let’s see how the flexible, well-performing and easy-to-manage network infrastructure, designed by Black Box and built on Extreme Networks products, makes life easier at the City Hall of Waregem!

More services, more connectivity
(Network) reliability and stability was of the utmost importance.

Achieving goals while keeping it simple
(...) We can count on the network to be always there and doing its job, so that we can do ours.

Hardware flexibility
Extreme solutions (...) help us reduce both capital and operating costs.

The next step: more network visibility, control and security

The power of cooperation
A lot of our customers from the local government sector in Benelux are already using the ExtremeCloud IQ – Site Engine and ExtremeControl solutions (...)