According to an old saying, the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceedingly fine. But what if God had a super-fast, efficient and easy-to-manage Wi-Fi? We don’t know about that. But we do know that such setup serves the Belgium’s Federal Justice Service very well!
The challenge
The solution
Digitizing the justice system securely and at speed has been a long-standing objective of the Belgian government to both modernize and improve services.
Jimmy De Laet, ICT Infrastructure director at FPS Justice
A new brand of Justice

"In a large building such as the Palace of Justice in Antwerp, for example, we have a main and backup line from our provider. Thanks to the contribution of Orange Cyberdefense, we were able to bundle these, which gave us a greater capacity and we can now use the full bandwidth." photo: Orange Cyberdefense.
Innovation is in our Fabric
We used to sit on the defendant’s bench with our telecom team. Now we have been acquitted on all counts.
Chris Van Regemorter, ICT Project Manager at FPS Justice