Working with IT networks could be considered an art, rather than an actual field of expertise or subject taught in a technical school – just ask any network administrator! Complicated setups, high risk of running into costly mistakes, delicate configurations… it all requires a touch of finesse and that’s something you just have to live with. Or do you? The story of Tussa IKT, a Norwegian ISP who chose Extreme solutions, prove that the success can be found in places you did not expect to find it in.

Tussa IKT
A solution that came as a surprise

Ivar Driveklepp, CEO of Tussa IKT
Not your father's IT network
Less time consuming, less risk
Dataequipment - Dette er forskjellen på forrige generasjons nettverksdrift og Fabric Connect
Å jobbe med drift av nettverk er noen ganger mer kunst enn fag, bare spør en nettverksadministrator. Kompliserte oppsett, stor sjanse for å gjøre feil og hårfine konfigurasjoner er noe man bare må leve med. Eller?
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