If there’s one thing the recent Netflix hit “I Care a Lot” starring Rosamund Pike has taught us, it’s the importance of IT security in a healthcare facility. A good network solution can achieve that and much more: higher operating efficiency and reliable connectivity. And this is exactly what Extreme managed to provide for Cordaan, one of the largest healthcare providers in the Netherlands!

The pandemic has proven that IT has become extremely personal in care facilities. High quality networking facilities are essential. That is why we partner with Extreme.
Rob van Rinsum, CEO, Pink Elephant
Scalable connectivity
Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital (ETZ) is another large healthcare organization in the Netherlands using Extreme solutions - check this story, too!

Two heads are better than one, but when it comes to networks…
Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital has been one of Extreme’s most loyal Dutch customers for 20 years. After a merger, all existing infrastructure of two hospitals with three branches was merged into one future-proof redundant secure network within five years. All the more rea...
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Everything we do at Cordaan is focused on giving our patients the most comfortable experience as well as the most advanced treatments and care.
Rob Bergfeld, Managed ICT Services, Cordaan
Learn more about the Universal Platforms:

Product of the month: ExtremeSwitching 5520 Series
If you had to choose between simplified management of the core network with increased security and reliability or a highly granular and powerful control over the network edge, what would you pick? With the new ExtremeSwitching 5520 Series… you can have it all. Let’s hea...
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Seamless and secure cloud network management
It is a great feature for residents or long-term care patients, since they can add their own devices to the network. With this functionality, Cordaan can offer client services like Internet, television, telephony, but can also implement patient-aligned content rules and filters.
Paulo Ferrada, Senior Account Executive, Extreme Networks
Simplified network maintenance and optimized costs
Learn more about Extreme Fabric Connect:

Product of the Month: Extreme Fabric Connect
Traditional networking works… Anyone who has been in the industry for a while will attest to this. So, before discussing what Fabric Connect is and how it works, it is a perfectly valid question to ask first, “what’s the problem really?”. Let’s dive into the world where ...
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The future of care
Transitioning to and managing a secure and high-quality networking environment in 120 locations is a challenge. The solutions that Extreme offers are a perfect fit.
Rob van Rinsum, CEO, Pink Elephant