Connecting a network to the Internet is a simple matter, but if you look deeper into it, it is not enough to have a socket, a plug and a working router. To the "to do / must have" list we must add firewall, VPN concentrator, content filter, traffic analyser and many other items that ensure the performance, security, efficiency and trouble-free operation of the whole system. What if you could forget about the endless "checklist" and coordinate everything using one platform? Impossible? And yet!
To connect a network to the Internet, a router (directing traffic from the internal network), a firewall (to protect against external interference) and NAT (Network Address Translation) are required. This is for the start. The network should include devices such as IPS and IDS (Intrusion Detection System, Intrusion Prevention System), Load Balancer, traffic shaping devices and caching servers. Now you can see the shore on the horizon, but we still have a few meters to swim. Users often also need to access the network from the outside or want to connect it to another unit. Then we should add VPN tunnels based on IPsec. In the basic version, we are at the finish line. Exhausting marathon, isn't it?
One platform to rule them all
And although in real life taking shortcuts doesn’t always pay off, in everyday work it is worth using solutions that increase its effectiveness, and also allow us to save some time. This is where Extreme Guest Gateway comes into play – a multifunctional system combining functionalities such as a router, firewall, IPS/IDS, VPN Concentrator or SD-WAN. It also features a platform for authentication, authorisation and e-counting (measurement of the amount of data used by the user) and a solution for content filtering, enabling filtering of pages that should not be used by guests (or could be used if appropriate conditions are met). You will also find here an analytical tool, which allows you to analyse traffic and bandwidth usage, as well as an extremely useful billing-engine.
Together with Kirill Zhukov, we invite you to our Webinar which shows how does Extreme Guest Gateway actually work. Our platform will help you generate additional revenue from your network, simplify and personalise its use, connect guests in a flexible way, and create personal virtual networks.
Ready for a real network revolution? :)