What if you could resolve issues before users even noticed them, using proactive, explainable insights? What if you were able to identify anomalies that – if not properly addressed in time – would otherwise cause an outage? Join our next session and learn how to better protect your network *and* your business!
In traditional networks, resolving issues is usually quite time-consuming and costly, as it requires dispatching skilled IT personnel from site-to-site. Then there’s the risk of a human error. According to Gartner, 75% of processes that result in error can be avoided with automation.
Moreover, according to the Network Management Megatrends 2022 report by EMA, most organizations in the US and Europe employing more than 100 workers use from 6 to 10 tools to manage, monitor and troubleshoot their networks. The same study shows that network teams that are successful with cloud monitoring prefer fully integrated, multi-function platforms for network monitoring and management tools, rather than sets of best-of-breed tools.
Would you like to resolve problems with the Wi-Fi quicker and more efficiently?
Stop sending your skilled IT specialists to remote sites every time something goes wrong. Join our next Extreme Live Demo session and discover the sheer amount of time and money you can save with cloud-based troubleshooting!
This free, hands-on 45-minute webinar will provide you with actionable insights you can use to make the most out of your Wi-Fi investment, e.g.:
- spend less IT man-hours and budget on identifying and fixing network issues
- enable troubleshooting the network from anywhere, anytime
- optimize your network management for today’s digital world and cloud transformation
- easily predict and prevent network problems in the future with proactive ML/AI insights
- orchestrate provisioning, configuring, and maintaining networks from a single dashboard
Meet the Speaker:
- Mike Lane – Global Consulting Engineer @ Extreme Networks, one of the few Certified Wireless Experts (CWNE) in Europe