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Plunge into the cold Baltic Sea and sweat your worries away in a hot sauna. Spend a lazy day soaking up the sun on the beach and then ace it on a tennis court. Behold 20th century architecture while enjoying modern amenities and digital services. At Hotel Skansen in Båst...

1 June 2023

Now that we’ve seen how the SPB network topology is built and how we can create multiple virtual layer 2 network on top of it, it’s time to explain how traffic gets from one end-station to another end-station or device of some kind (e.g. a firewall)!

30 May 2023

As manufacturing becomes more and more dynamic, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that computer networks are key to paving the way for the digital enterprise and optimizing entire value chains. Let’s take a look at some of the current technology trends in networking that c...

17 May 2023

The key part of the biggest global user conference are… users, of course. At Extreme Connect 2023, we unveiled the 2023 X-Factor Customer Awards which recognize our most innovative customers whose collaboration has delivered better outcomes for their organization.

16 May 2023

In the first article in our series we took a general look at the Shortest Path Bridging technology and its core mechanisms such as switches using the IS-IS protocol to “talk” to each other. Now, let me briefly explain how an SPB network is actually built and how to put i...

12 May 2023

“Will change happen to you, or be led by you?”, asks Living Tomorrow Innovation Campus. The emerging technologies for smart cities, healthcare, mobility and hospitality, showcased in this experimental lab located just outside of Brussels will soon be powered by Extreme's...

10 May 2023

In the networking world, enterprise Wi-Fi is often considered a wild west; a half-uncharted land of complex deployments in unlicensed spectrum that are bound to bring woe to the weary IT folks, sooner or later. Dependable, efficient, and precise troubleshooting tools are...

9 May 2023

Today, on the Extreme Connect mainstage, CTO & CPO Nabil Bukhari unveiled the industry's first cloud continuum for networking, new universal switches, and the most power-efficient indoor Wi-Fi 6E access point on the market. Not bad for one day, huh? Let’s dive into d...

9 May 2023

At the end of the day, when it comes to enterprise networks, everyone’s after pretty much the same things: seamless connectivity, simplicity, flexibility, scalability, security. In this series we will explain step by step the fundamentals and most important capabilities ...

27 April 2023

As our cities grow bigger and more crowded, the need for simpler, faster, more convenient, and more secure transportation is only increasing. The network is the key resource enabling this, but the growing complexity of the IT environment can put a spanner in the works, k...

21 April 2023