Have you ever felt technologically locked in by the choice of your old networking equipment? Time to break the chains. Mother of dragons Extreme’s Universal Platforms are here!
Your organization needs a reliable, highly-efficient and secure network, but the existing IT infrastructure can no longer keep up with the needs of your business? Sick and tired of ripping and replacing the depreciating equipment every time there’s a need to evolve to a new use case? Terrified about complex per device licensing and different warranties for wired and wireless?
Well, let’s just say you’re not the first. But you’re also not alone.
Tying your capital in a rigid networking solution, no matter how heavily customized it is at the beginning, doesn’t seem like the best idea. That’s how we came up with the idea of Universal Platforms.
Universal Platforms? What’s that?
Extreme’s Universal Platforms combine the power of cloud management with next-generation switches and access points that can support multiple deployment use cases. We think it's what's on the inside that counts, therefore all it takes to move to a different use case is a simple change of the software or feature set!
In other words, Universal Platforms increase flexibility and reduce hardware obsolescence by allowing you to gradually adopt new technologies or change their desired use case by changing the software or feature set and/or management system, while preserving the hardware and even the associated licenses.

Switching between traditional and fabric networking? No problem. Moving between campus and distributed office? Sure. Managing it all on-premises or in the cloud? Why not both?
Pretty neat, isn’t it?
Learn how to expand cloud management to all devices, in the cloud or on-premises:

Keep your head in the clouds and your feet on the ground
Life is seemingly full of some eternal dilemmas like “how to eat the cake and have it, too?” or “how to extend cloud management to third party and non-cloud native devices?”. Unfortunately, we can't help with the former, but we can help with the latter. Meet ExtremeCloud...
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Make deployment easy again
With Universal Platforms, gone are the days of complex licensing and confusing warranty offers. Instead, licensing is poolable and portable, warranty is clear and consistent across both wired and wireless platforms. Forget about per device licensing – Universal Platforms mean one license for any device!
You can also count on our fully in-sourced and top ranked services and support that provide flexibility, and outstanding 24/7 technical support.
Benefits of Universal Platforms
- Drive the top line – Universal platforms can accelerate your project timelines through ease of specifying requirements (connectivity first, feature set later) and through ease of procurement.
- Improve operating efficiency – Universal platforms improve operating efficiency through powerful cloud management capabilities that offer single pane of glass management across wired and wireless platforms.
- Reduce risk – Universal platforms avoid technology lock-in by being able to evolve the software to take advantage of new technologies, new feature sets and new deployment models as requirements change.
- Enhance user experience – Universal platforms provide an improved deployment experience through simple, streamlined licensing, consistent warranty, powerful cloud management and top ranked services and support.